How to Winterize Your Parking Lots and Walkways

It took awhile but snow and ice are finally here and we have everything you need to protect your property.

As a facilities manager you are no stranger to a Cleveland winter and the risks of slippery parking lots and sidewalks.

We suggest always staying on top of the weather forecasts. There is nothing more stressful than waking up to a blizzard and facing ice and snow covering your parking lot.

Securing a reliable plow company that also salts every walkway is imperative to keep you one step ahead of the storms.

Icicles can be hidden dangers so it’s vital not to forget to inspect your gutters on a regular basis. This will ensure there is no build up from the falling snow and ice that will lead to dangerous falling icicles on unsuspecting tenants or customers.

Lastly, keep a personal back-up of salt on hand so that you are ready at any moment to prevent slippery paths.

We are proud to offer preventative roof maintenance and inspections throughout the year and encourage you to contact us today to keep you and your tenants safe!